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nba宣传词_nba宣传词 最好的表演

zmhk 2024-06-14 人已围观

简介nba宣传词_nba宣传词 最好的表演       非常感谢大家聚集在这里共同探讨nba宣传词的话题。这个问题集合涵盖了nba宣传词的广泛内容,我将用我的知识和

nba宣传词_nba宣传词 最好的表演






5.求NBA宣传口号Where XXX happens中XXX都有过哪些内容(中英文词语句子皆可)给视频也行就是一定要够全

nba宣传词_nba宣传词 最好的表演



       2016-2017赛季NBA宣传片欧文This Is Why We Play







       Winning was a challenge, but repeating would be, too.

       Because there are 29 teams in our way again, and they've all come back stronger, more determined, more experienced and ready.

       They won't back down but neither will we.

       This is why we play.


       when I was young,my coach was tough for me.

       before I entered NBA,I worked harder than anyone else.

       and now they call me “the captain”.

       want to overcome the challenges?

       get on the court


       I can play









       Howard & Paul 霍华德和保罗

       We gonna win, yea. Thats not me pride, thats me beleive it, thats me

       beleive in myself and my teammates. Trust me, you guys whoever want the ring

       and whoever been the champion. They beleive it, too. We are not here to lose.



       Kobe & Oneal 科比和奥尼尔

       There's so many emotions at the end of the season nobody likes to talk about it.. but one of them is fear. fear that you come this far and it could all end; but me.. I like the fear! It means I'm close It means I'm ready.



       James & Garnett 詹姆斯和加内特

       Our dream about wining it all since Im probably nine years old. I remamber the

       same verb winning it all. I made my mind right there, that was gonna be me,

       that I was gonna to be part of that.Some dreams fade over time,

       but not this one.



       Kidd & Nash 基德和纳什

       After 82 games, theres part of you that wonder if you have anything left,

       if you have anyhting more to give. But somehow from somewhere, you find it.

       You dig deeper. You have to, because if you dont, you go home.




       Why do we play?

       We play for jumpers, passers and shooters.

       We play for driveway one-on-ones. Playground heroes. The clutch nets.

       We play for ballers. Shot callers. Game changers . Life changers.

       For breaking through. Breaking barriers, and paradigms.

       We play for chasing the dream. On and off the court.

       This is why We play



















求NBA宣传口号Where XXX happens中XXX都有过哪些内容(中英文词语句子皆可)给视频也行就是一定要够全

       where amazing happens 这不算是广告词吧,这应该叫宣传语,07赛季之前,nba一直用i love this game作为宣传语。如果你非要什么广告词,好吧,给你

       Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地

       Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地

       Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地

       Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地

       Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地

       Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地

       Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

       Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地

       Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地

       Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地

       Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地

       Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地

       Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地

       Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

       Where heart happens. 见证勇敢的心之地

       Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地

       Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地

       Where 1.3 seconds left happens. 见证还剩1.3秒之地

       Where nowhere to hide happens. 见证无处可藏之地

       Where good luck next round happens. 见证下一轮好运之地

       Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

       Where anticipation happens. 见证预判之地

       Where 81 points happens. 见证81分之地

       Where afro happens. 见证爆炸头之地

       Where never meant to happen happens. 见证不可思议之地

       Where 长城 happens. 见证长城之地

       Where tomorrow happens. 见证明日之地

       Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地


       Where immovable happens. 见证纹丝不动之地

       Where discussion happens. 见证争论之地

       Where bloody nose happens. 见证血鼻之地

       Where regret happens. 见证悔恨之地

       Where short shorts happened. 见证短裤之地

       Where commitment happens. 见证承诺之地

       Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地


       Where heart happens. 见证勇敢的心之地

       Where friends becoming foes happens. 见证兄弟反目之地

       Where are you kidding me happens. 见证“你在开玩笑吗”之地

       Where 1.3 seconds left happens. 见证还剩1.3秒之地



       Where nowhere to hide happens. 见证无处可藏之地

       Where good luck next round happens. 见证下一轮好运之地

       Where amazing happens. 见证神奇之地

