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简介做体育运动英语_我们可以做体育运动英语       大家好,今天我将为大家详细介绍做体育运动英语的问题。为了更好地呈现这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来看看吧。1.体育运动用英文怎么说2.体育运动用英语怎么说3.参加体育








       sports and games体育运动

       Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do, at times when they are not working, instead of going to the cinema, listening to the radio, or sleeping. 有些人似乎认为体育运动不是重要的事情,只是人们在不干活的时候,不去看**,不去听广播或者睡觉,才去做的。


       以下是三篇以《Doing sports》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。?






       Doing sports

       Sports play an important role in our lives. Regular exercise can help us stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally. It is a great way to relieve stress and improve our mood.

       There are many types of sports we can do, such as running, swimming, cycling, and yoga. No matter what kind of sport you choose, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workout.

       In addition to improving our physical health, sports can also help us develop important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. By participating in team sports, we can learn how to work together towards a common goal and support each other through challenges.

       Overall, doing sports is a great way to stay healthy and happy. So why not try incorporating some form of exercise into your daily routine? Whether it's a morning jog or an evening yoga session, find a sport that works for you and stick with it!


       regular (adj.) - happening or doing something often


       intensity (n.) - the degree to which something is felt or experienced


       perseverance (n.) - the ability to continue trying to do something even when it is difficult













       Title: Doing Sports

       Sports bring us many benefits. Firstly, doing sports can keep us healthy. Regular exercise can help us maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Secondly, sports can improve our mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Thirdly, sports provide opportunities for social interaction. Joining a sports team or club can help us make new friends and build relationships.

       There are many different ways to do sports. Some popular options include running, swimming, basketball, and yoga. No matter what type of sport you choose, it's important to find something that you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle.


       Chronic(形容词)- 持续很长时间或经常再次发生的

       Endorphins(名词)- 锻炼期间身体产生的化学物质,可以帮助减轻疼痛并增加愉悦感。










       Title: Doing Sports

       Sports are an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise can not only improve physical health but also enhance mental well-being. Engaging in sports activities such as running, swimming, cycling, or playing team sports like basketball and can help maintain a healthy weight, strengthen muscles, and improve cardiovascular health.

       Moreover, doing sports can also have positive effects on mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which can reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and improve sleep quality. It can also increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

       In conclusion, incorporating regular exercise into our daily lives is crucial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Whether it's through individual or team sports, finding an activity that we enjoy and can stick to can have long-lasting benefits for our overall health and well-being.


       Essential (adj.): absolutely necessary or extremely important. (必要的,重要的)

       Cardiovascular (adj.): relating to the heart and blood vessels. (心血管的)

       Endorphins (n.): chemicals produced by the brain that can reduce pain and stress and create feelings of pleasure. (内啡肽)







       "体育运动"的英文翻译为 "sports"。






       n. 体育运动,运动






       1. I enjoy playing sports like and basketball.(我喜欢打足球和篮球等体育运动。)

       2. He has been involved in sports since a young age and has won several awards.(他从小就参与体育运动,并获得了几项奖项。)

       3. Sports help improve physical fitness and promote teamwork and discipline.(体育运动有助于提高身体健康,促进团队合作和纪律性。)

       4. The school has a wide range of sports programs and encourages students to participate.(学校设有多种体育项目,并鼓励学生参与。)


       - participate in sports - 参与体育运动

       - sports activities - 体育活动

       - sports facilities - 体育设施

       - sportsmanship - 体育精神



        体育锻炼的好处 The Advantages of Doing Physical Exercises

        As the proverb goes, ?no one knows the value of health until he loses it.? From this, we know that health is very important to everybody. But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sports can offer people health and pleasure. As far as I concern, I think doing physical exercises have lots of advantages.


        First of all, doing exercises in t#from 关于体育运动英语作文4篇来自学优网/ end#he morning will refresh my body as well as give me a good appetite to eat my breakfast. What?s more, the air in the morning is really fresh and clean, so I can keep my mind clear and sound in the class. By doing physical every day I can keep my mind alert that I can finish my tasks in time. If I do not do any physical exercise, I will feel tired and my body becomes quite sluggish. During the night, I may find it becomes harder to fall asleep. Second, doing exercises everyday will help me to mound a better personality. It takes time and patient to do exercises. Sometimes I just want to give up, but my friends encourage me to carry on, then I feel a lot of satisfaction. Doing physical exercises makes me stronger and healthier. That?s my personal experience.



        As a student, sports are indispensable. You can pick up your favorite sport and do it every day. Only in this way, you can have both pleasure and a healthy body.



        体育热情 The Enthusiasm For Sports

        Though PE class is a part of children?s education, many teenagers didn?t form the habit of doing exercise, they don?t have interest in sports. Enthusiasm for sports is of great importance, young people should treat it as their integral part of education.


        On the one hand, promoting enthusiasm for sports among teenagers helps them keep a healthy lifestyle. In the school, students are forced to take exercise in the PE class, they need to join certain activities. In this way, students live in a healthy lifestyle, they won?t get sick easily. But after they leaving school, no one forces them to do so, so they are lazy to take exercise, their bodies gets weaker.


        On the other hand, the enthusiasm for sports can help students enhance their sense of teamwork. As we known, most sports need more than one person to do, like badminton and table tennis, these sports needs more than two people. When students are playing badminton, they need to cooperate, so that they can defeat others, if they just keep an eye on themselves, they game can?t be played. Doing these sports will bring students the sense of teamwork, which is important for their career.


        People should keep the habit of taking exercise, the sound body ensures better future. Enthusiasm for sports can make people feel it a happiness to take exercise.



        体育运动有益身心健康 The Advantage of Sports

        Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.


        This is no doubt that sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. What?s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and confident. If you usually take exercise with your friends, you will be close to them. After all, sports can make your life more colorful.


        Nothing is more important than doing sports. It's time to take actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.



        1. 体育锻炼英语作文范文3篇

        2. 体育锻炼很重要英语作文范文3篇

        3. 关于体育运动英语作文范文4篇

        4. 体育锻炼和我的生活英语作文范文5篇

        5. 有关运动的好处英语作文

        6. 关于运动健康的英语作文
