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简介体育英语新闻_体育英语新闻播报       大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我对“体育英语新闻”的理解。为了让大家更深入地了解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来探讨吧。1.



1.急求一篇英语新闻体育的 最好是简单一点的 一分钟左右 然后帮我翻译下呗






急求一篇英语新闻体育的 最好是简单一点的 一分钟左右 然后帮我翻译下呗

       The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas père. Highly recommended.

       Apart from 'The Three Musketeers', this is probably Alexandre Dumas' most famous work and one of the greatest novels in Western literature: a novel every literate and educated person should read at least once in their lives.

       In this story, Edmond Dantes is an innocent man who was caught in the intrigues of Napoleon's escape from Elba and his 100 days of power until Waterloo. A sailor entrusted with a sealed letter of highest importance by his dying captain, Dantes delivers it into the hands of the evil prosecutor Villefort who, for reasons unkown to him, immediately sends him without trial or appeal to spend the rest of his days at the Chateau D'Iffe: a dark and isolated island prison presumed to be inescapable. With the help of Abbot Faria, a dying prisoner who knows the secret of a great hidden treasure on the small islet of Monte Cristo, Dantes escapes and prepares to unleash his revenge on those who did him wrong. For years he spends his time meticulously preparing his vengeful scheme against the treacherous friends and characters who left him to rot in prison for years and years. He refines his arts of disguise, alchemy, and manipulation to content himself with the ruin of his enemies.

       Unlike the adventure themes in his works such as 'The Three Musketeers', this story is a deep character study on being the victim of utmost injustice and how cruel revenge is sweet after all: how a wronged man is entitled to become the agent of divine retribution when God and mortal laws have abandoned his cause. The various themes, complex plot, profound character development, and rich prose makes this long work undoubtedly one of the greatest works of literature ever written: Dumas was without question a literary genius.

       This is a great story for people of all ages and should not be ignored by anyone who has a profound love of literature. I think this is Dumas greatest work far surpassing 'Queen Margo' 'The Three Musketeers' or 'The Corsican Brothers.'

       As translator Robin Buss points out in his introduction, many of those who haven't read The Count of Monte Cristo assume it is a children's adventure story, complete with daring prison escape culminating in a simple tale of revenge. There is very little for children in this very adult tale, however. Instead, the rich plot combines intrigue, betrayal, theft, drugs, adultery, presumed infanticide, torture, suicide, poisoning, murder, lesbianism, and unconventional revenge.

       Although the plot is roughly linear beginning with Edmond Dantès' return to Marseille, prenuptial celebration, and false imprisonment and ending with his somewhat qualified triumphant departure from Marseille and France, Dumas uses the technique of interspersing lengthy anecdotes throughout. The story of Cardinal Spada's treasure, the origins of the Roman bandit Luigi Vampa (the least germane to the novel), Bertuccio's tale of his vendetta, and the account of the betrayal and death of Ali Pasha are few of the more significant stories-within-the-novel. While Dumas devotes an entire chapter to bandit Luigi Vampa's background, he cleverly makes only a few references to what will remain the plot's chief mystery-how the youthful, intelligent, and naive sailor Edmond Dantès transforms himself into the worldly, jaded, mysterious Renaissance man and Eastern philosopher, the count of Monte Cristo, presumably sustained by his own advice of "wait" and "hope."

       This novel is not a simple tale of simple revenge. The count does not kill his enemies; he brilliantly uses their vices and weaknesses against them. Caderousse's basic greed is turned against him, while Danglars loses the only thing that has any meaning for him. Fernand is deprived of the one thing that he had that he had never earned-his honour. In the process, he loses the source of his initial transgression, making his fate that much more poignant. The plot against Villefort is so complicated that even Monte Cristo loses control of it, resulting in doubt foreign to his nature and remorse that he will not outlive.

       This long but generally fast-paced is set primarily in Marseille, Rome, and Paris. It begins with Dantès' arrival in Marseille aboard the commercial vessel Pharaon and ends with his departure from Marseille aboard his private yacht, accompanied by the young, beautiful Greek princess Haydée. What gives The Count of Monte Cristo its life, however, are the times in which it is set-the Revolution, the Napoleonic era, the First and Second Restoration, and the Revolution of 1830. Life-and-death politics motivates many of the characters and keeps the plot moving. Dumas also uses real people in minor roles, such as Countess G- (Byron's mistress) and the Roman hotelier Signor Pastrini, which adds to the novel's sense of historical veracity.

       The most troubling aspect of The Count of Monte Cristo is Edmond Dantès himself. His claim to represent a higher justice seems to justify actions and inactions that are as morally reprehensible as those that sent him to prison, for example, his account of how he acquired Ali and his loyalty. Had he not discovered young Morrel's love for Valentine Villefort, she too might have become an innocent victim. As it is, there are at least two other innocents who die, although one clearly would not have been an innocent for long based on his behaviour in the novel. One wonders of Dantès' two father figures, his own flower-loving father and fellow prisoner Abbé Faria, would have approved of the count.

       The translation appears to be good, with a few slips into contemporary English idioms that sound out of place. In his introduction, Buss states that the later Danglars and Fernand have become unrecognizable and that Fernand in particular has been transformed "from the brave and honest Spaniard with a sharp sense of honour . . . to the Parisian aristocrat whose life seems to have been dedicated to a series of betrayals." There is never anything honest or honourable about Fernand; his very betrayal of Edmond is merely the first we know of in his lifelong pattern.

       What seems extreme and somewhat unrealistic about Fernand is his transformation from an uneducated Catalan fisherman into a "Parisian aristocrat," hobnog with statesmen, the wealthy, and the noteworthy of society. This, however, is the result of the milieu that the novel inhabits. During these post-Revolution, post-Napoleonic years, Fernand could rise socially through his military and political accomplishments just as Danglars does through his financial acumen. Danglars is careful to note that the difference between them is that Fernand insists upon his title, while Danglars is openly indifferent to and dismissive of his; his viewpoint is the more aristocratic.

       Countess G- is quick to point out that there is no old family name of Monte Cristo and that the count, like many other contemporaries, has purchased his title. It serves mainly to obscure his identity, nationality, and background and to add to the aura of mystery his persona and Eastern knowledge create. What is most telling is that his entrée into Parisian society is based primarily on his great wealth, not his name. Dumas reinforces this point with Andrea Cavalcanti, another mystery man of unknown name and reputed fortune.

       I have read The Man in the Iron Mask and The Three Musketeers series, both of which surprised me with their dark aspects (the character and fate of Lady de Winter, for example) and which little resembled the adventure stories distilled from them for children and for film. When I overheard a college student who was reading The Count of Monte Cristo on the bus tell a friend that she couldn't put it down, I was inspired to read it. I couldn't put it down, either, with its nearly seamless plot, dark protagonist, human villains, turbulent historical setting, and larger-than-life sense of mystery. At 1,078 pages, it's imposing, but don't cheat yourself by settling for an abridged version. You'll want to pick up every nuance.






       1. 球类运动(Ball Sports):

       足球(Football/Soccer): 是世界上最受欢迎的运动之一,球员使用脚部将球踢入对方球门。

       篮球(Basketball): 球员在篮球场上持球投篮,目标是将篮球投入对方的篮筐。

       网球(Tennis): 球员在狭长的场地上使用球拍击打球,目标是让球在对方场地内落地。

       排球(Volleyball): 球员在两个高高的网之间击打球,目标是将球打到对方场地上。

       2. 田径运动(Athletics):

       跑步(Running): 包括短跑、中跑、长跑等不同距离的赛事。

       跳跃(Jumping): 包括跳高、跳远等不同项目。

       投掷(Throwing): 包括铁饼、标枪、铅球等不同项目。

       3. 水上运动(Water Sports):

       游泳(Swimming): 在水中进行各种不同方式的比赛。

       划船(Rowing): 球员使用浆划动小船前进,进行竞速比赛。

       潜水(Diving): 球员从高台或板上跳入水中,进行各种动作表演。

       4. 体操运动(Gymnastics):

       艺术体操(Artistic Gymnastics): 运动员进行各种优美和技巧高超的动作,包括单杠、双杠、平衡木等项目。

       蹦床体操(Trampoline Gymnastics): 运动员在蹦床上进行各种高难度的跳跃动作。

       5. 战斗性运动(Combat Sports):

       拳击(Boxing): 运动员在拳击台上进行比赛,使用拳头进行攻击。

       摔跤(Wrestling): 运动员进行身体接触,试图将对手摔倒在地。

       柔道(Judo): 运动员使用各种技巧,试图将对手制服在地。




       英 [sp?:ts] 美 [sp?:ts]?


       n.运动( sport的名词复数 );运动会;突变;**


       1、sports car 跑车

       2、sports jacket 运动夹克

       3、sports day 运动会

       4、sports coat 上衣外套

       5、sports centre 体育中心

       6、extreme sports 极限运动




       英 ['mu:vm?nts]? 美 ['mu:vm?nts]?

       n.动作;移动;整个活动;运动( movement的名词复数 );调动







       英 [?θ?let?ks] 美 [?θ?l?t?ks]?








       Basketball Introduction

       Basketball is an athletic sport, usually played on an indoor court

       in which two competing teams of five players each attempt to score by

       throwing an inflated ball so that it descends through one of two baskets

       suspended, at each end of the court, above their heads. ...

       Because of its continuous action and frequent scoring, basketball is one of

       the most popular spectator as well as participant sports in the world.

       The measurements of American and international basketball courts

       differ slightly. The basketball court is a rectangular area ranging in size

       from about 29 m by 15 m to about 22 m by 13 m . ... Each backboard is

       anchored to a wall, suspended from the ceiling, or otherwise mounted so

       that its lower edge is about 2. ... The regulation basketball is

       an inflated, leather- or nylon-covered sphere that weighs from 567 to 624 g

       and has a circumference of about 76 cm .


       The History of Table Tennis

       Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introduced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze.

       The game was popular in Central Europe in 1905-10, and even before this is a modified version had been introduced to Japan , where it later spread to China and Korea. After a period when it had dropped out of favor in Europe, the game was revived in England and Wales in the early twenties. by that time 'Ping-Pong' had been registered as a trademark, so the earlier name of table tennis was re-introduced. National associations were formed and standardization of the rules began, both in Europe and the Far East.Then, over the next sixty years, table tennis developed into a major worldwide sport, played by perhaps thirty million competitive players and by uncountable millions who play less seriously. However, the game itself has not changed in essence since its earliest days, though it is faster, more subtle and more demanding than it was even only twenty years ago.

       Ping-pong Diplomacy

       One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People's Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949.

       In various ping-pong games, the most famous is the world championship competition, which was held once a year at the beginning, now, it is held twice a year ever since 1957.

       In 1904, a shanghai shop keeper called Wang Dao WU, brought 10 sets of table tennis tools home, the game was therein introduced to china.

       History of Swimming

       The English are considered the first modern society to develop swimming as a sport. By 1837, regular swimming competitions were being held in London's six artificial pools, organized by the National Swimming Society in England. As the sport grew in popularity many more pools were built, and when a new governing body, the Amateur Swimming Association of Great Britain, was organized in 1880, it numbered more than 300 member clubs.

       In 1896, swimming became an Olympic sport for men with the 100 metres and 1500 metres freestyle competitions held in open water. Soon after, as swimming gained popularity, more freestyle events were added, followed by the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and finally, the individual medley.

       The first modern Olympic Games had only four swimming events, three of them freestyle. The second Olympics in Paris in 1900 included three unusual swimming events. One used an obstacle course; another was a test of underwater swimming endurance; the third was a 4,000-metre event, the longest competitive swimming event ever. None of the three was ever used in the Olympics again.

       For a variety of reasons, women were excluded from swimming in the first several Olympic Games. In 1896 and again in 1906, women could not participate because the developer of the modern games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, held firmly to the assumption, common in the Victorian era, that women were too frail to engage in competitive sports. It was only at the 1912 Games when women's swimming made its debut at the prompting of the group that later became known as the International Olympic Committee.

       From the humble beginning with four swimming events, the Olympics have developed to 32 swimming races, 16 for men and 16 for women. The Special Olympics, competitive swimming for people with disabilities, has 22 events for men and 22 for women

       The 2010 Asian Games will be held in Guangzhuo,and a lot of people all over the world will come here for this event.To prepare for this big event well,we should improve our behavipurs.

       First, we should pay more attention to our figures. As citizens of Guangzhou, we are likely to meet with many guests from abroad and at home, which means that we are the mirrors of Guangzhou, through which we can make a good impression on them.

        Second, we should also improve our communication skills, which include body language as well. Only by communicating well with us can guests throughout the globe can have a better knowledge of Guangzhou even China, which is of great importance.

        Let's hold out our hands and show our smiling faces to greet guests all over the earth! Welcome to Guangzhou!


       exercise ,which PE bring us ,is important for both the body and the mind ,its benefits are evident in ahost ways :better health ,better looks and so on .

        it is obvious that exercise help you to build a health body ,makes you at your top physical situation ,but exercise is not the only thing PE can give us ,when you have PE class ,you are competeing with others,or working with your mates as a team,you will develop the skills of leadership, cooperation and learn the efficient way to communicate with your partners ,these abilities are definitely important to you life in the future .in addition ,Pe can give you a sprite called never give up ,making you a strong man.

        PE is not only the education in the field of physics ,instead it can give you comprehensive benefits you do not notice
