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cba au_CBA australia

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简介cba au_CBA australia       感谢大家参与这个关于cba au的问题集合。作为一个对此领域有一定了解的人,我将以客观和全面的方式回答每个问题,并分享一些

cba au_CBA australia

       感谢大家参与这个关于cba au的问题集合。作为一个对此领域有一定了解的人,我将以客观和全面的方式回答每个问题,并分享一些相关的研究成果和学术观点。





cba au_CBA australia





        ( )1. bl k. A. ai B. ay C. au D. ac

        ( ) 2. p ple A.ur B. ar C. or D. er

        ( ) 3. m ker A.ir B. ar C.ur D. or

        ( ) 4. d k A.ee B.ea C.es D.ei

        ( ) 5. li ary A.ar B. br C. er D. dr

        ( ) 6. s w A.on B.ni C. no D. in

        ( ) 7. e ser A. ra B.ar C.rs D. sr

        ( ) 8. d n t A.a,u B.o,u C.u,a D. u,o

        ( ) 9. r d A. ee B. ei C. ea D. ey

        ( ) 10.th A.oy B. ey C. ir D.ay


        marker library rainy windy blackboard pencil snowy gloves chalk school cloudy shorts paper socks eraser

        School things : (学习用品)

        Places : (处所)

        Weather : (天气)

        Clothes : (衣服)


        ( )1、You can call Mr. Wood .

        A、I B、my C、me

        ( )2、Are you ready English class .

        A、 to B、in C、for

        ( )3、They are books in the library .

        A、seeing B、reading C、looking

        ( )4、 favourite fruit is orange .

        A、You B、I C、My

        ( )5、 is June first .

        A、Children?s Day B、National Day C、Women?s Day

        ( )6、The school is from my house .

        A、long B、near C、far

        ( )7、 is your birthday ? __ December first .

        A、What B、When C、Who

        ( )8、Can you point the donut .

        A、to B、in C、on

        ( )9、What?s your ? __ It?s 858 Ninth Avenue .

        A、address B、 name C、old

        ( )10、I like to play my doll and my skipping rope .

        A、to B、on C、with

        四、连线.(10分) 重点问答句式的检测

        1、What?s your favourite school work ? By car .

        2、When is lunch ? I like to read books .

        3、How do you go to school ? It?s twelve o?clock .

        4、What are you wearing ? It?s Saturday .

        5、What day is it ? I?m wearing shorts .

        五、根据汉语意思,完成下面的句子.(15分) 单词在句子中的运用情况的检测


        day is it today ?


        What is your clothes .


        Our desserts are the .


        How are you ?


        How is the today ?

        六、连词成句.(15分) 英语句式的构成规则

        1、what to like do you do ?

        2、you are old how ?

        3、you do live where ?

        4、how pencils there are many ?

        5、school hard work at I

        七、阅读短文,回答问题.(15分) 运用所学知识进行阅读理解,做出正确选择

        There are seven days in a week . They are Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . Sunday is the first day of the week . In Sunday , I am playing cards with my friends . Monday is the second . We are walking to school . Tuesday is the third . I often doing my homework . Wednesday is the fourth . We are flying kites in the park . Thursday is the fifth . We doing my math . Friday is the sixth . Ware working hard at school . Saturday is the seventh . We are having fun together .

        ( )1、There are days in a week .

        A、six B、 five C、seven

        ( )2、What is the first day of a week ? .

        A、Monday B、Saturday C、Sunday

        ( ) 3、What am I doing in Tuesday ? .

        A、do my homework . B、fly kites . C、do my math .

        ( )4、The fifth day of a week is .

        A、Friday B、Thursday C、Wednesday

        ( )5、In Saturday , we are .

        A、doing my homework B、flying kites C、having fun together


        一. DABCB CABCB

        二.学习用品:marker blackboard pencil chalk paper eraser

        处所: library school 天气: rainy windy cloudy snowy

        衣服: socks shorts gloves

        三.CCBCA CBAAC


        五.1.what 2.favourite 3. same 4.tall 5. weather

        六.1.what do you like to do ? 2. How old are you ? 3. Where do you live ?

        4.How many pencils are there ? 5. I work hard at school.



        1. 四年级英语第一学期期中试卷及答案

        2. 2015年四年级英语期中考试题及答案

        3. 2017年四年级下册英语期中考试试卷及答案

        4. 冀教版四年级科学复习题下

        5. 人教版四年级下册英语期末试卷及答案




       1 Would you please write down your email on this piece of paper,Mike?(地址)

       2 Millions of come to china from all over the world every year.(观光者)

       3 It’s for anyone to sneeze with his eyes open .(可能的)

       4 The father looked at his son.(生气)

       5 Please look at the on the wall .Stay away from here.(警告)

       6 The time of is 5:00.(到达)

       7 The radio says the will drop tonight..(气温)

       8 People shouted loudly in when the earthquake started.(惊恐)

       9 It’s a bit today.(雾)

       10 I was very when I first spoke at the class.(紧张)

       11 The pyramids in Egypt are amazing.(real)

       12 The two photos look the same .Can you tell me any difference?(near)

       13 Can you felt a slight through your body?(shake)

       14 The of the bridge is about 4km.(long)

       15 Do your understand the of learning English?(important)

       16 It’s cold in winter in the part of China.(north)

       17 He thought of his father when he saw the photo.(recent)

       18 It’s become another tourist in Wuxi.(attract)

       19 It’s a disaster in China.(nature)

       20 Fishing in a protected area is .(correct)


       ( ) 1 please tell me when he .

       A arrives B gets to C reaches D gets

       ( ) 2 My grandpa is ,but he doesn’t feel .

        A alone lonely B alone alone C lonely alone D lonely lonely

       ( ) 3 Which book do you like ? ---Neither.

        A well B better C good D the best

       ( ) 4 She the white car for two months.

        A has bought B bought C has had D had

       ( ) 5 We have to stay in a place .

        A safe B safety C safely D save

       ( ) 6 We have stayed here .

        A since some time B for some times C at some times D for some time

       ( ) 7 I have written my composition, but she hasn’t .

        A yet already B ever never C already yet D already still

       ( ) 8 He’s never spoken English, ?

        A hasn’t he B has he C isn’t he D is he

       ( ) 9 We must try our best to stop the pollution a happy life.

        A from live B to live C living D from living

       ( ) 10 My brother the flowers last year.

        A used to water B has used to water C uses to water D is used to water

       ( ) 11 She’s dishonest, she?

        A isn’t she B is she C has she D hasn’t she

       ( ) 12 As soon as the bus stopped, he into the rain..

        A got on it B got it in C got off it D got it off

       ( ) 13 They will do a history project the changes in china.

        A on B of C in D with

       ( ) 14 the woman is 50, she looks young.

        A Although but B But although C Although / D / although

       ( ) 15 You’d better speak English possible.

        A as often as B as many as C so many as D so more as

       ( ) 16 When did Tom her?

        A marry B marry with C marry to D has been married

       ( ) 17 I have lived here I was born.

        A for B before C on D since

       ( ) 18 Snakes seldom attack people. They must be if they do.

        A danger B dangerous C in danger D endangered

       ( ) 19 You will see a lot of in deserts.

        A swans B cranes C camels D sparrows

       ( ) 20 Will you please me some apples?

        A to bring B to take C get D take

       ( ) 21 It for over two hours yesterday.

        A has rained B rained C was rained D will rain

       ( ) 22 I hope a computer engineer.

        A you to be B you are C you will be D you were

       ( ) 23 Titanic is a wonderful film .I it twice .

        A will see B have seen C saw D see

       ( ) 24 I’m sure you will have a trip.

        A please B pleased C pleasant D comfortable

       ( ) 25 There is a new house Green House .

        A named B is named C that named D calling

       ( ) 26 It’s ten yeas they last met .

        A since B for C as D in

       ( ) 27 Please return the book to me .You it since two weeks ago .

        A borrowed B lent C kept D have kept

       ( ) 28 She will go to the zoo tomorrow if she free.

        A will be B will C is D is going to be

       ( ) 29 Our teacher his office until 6:00 yesterday.

        A won’t leave B didn’t leave C doesn’t leave D left

       ( ) 30 I think the plane is going to in a moment.

        A take up B take off C get off D put on


       1 What do you think (make)him laugh just now?

       2 You should spend as much time as you can (read)English every day.

       3 Would you please (not speak)noisily?

       4 They couldn’t call 110 hotline (use)mobile phones in the tunnel.

       5 The police warn people (not drive)after drinking wine.

       6 Tom (marry) Mary two years ago.

       7 you (help)Tom at that moment? Yes, I .

       8 He used (be) history teacher .

       9 He is used (help) others.

       10 Do you know that knives are used (cut) things?

       11 I (write) 4 articles already.

       12 They (be) in Wuxi for three days.

       13 I hear you (visit) the Great Wall three times.

       14 Would you mind my (smoke) here?

       15 When I was walking past , I saw it (happen).

       16 He (hurry) off to the school .

       17 If you (not mind ) , I’ll close the window.

       18 The bridge (build) in 2000.

       19 The boss made the workers (work) 12 hours a day.

       20 The workers (make) to work 12 hours a day in the past .


       1 这本书可以借多久?

       2 多谢借我这么多钱。

       3 这个现代化火车站从2000年就投入使用了。

       4 我上小学时学到了许多有关环境方面的知识。

       5 你可以听令人放松的音乐放松你自己。

       6 这里原来是个青山环抱的很宁静的地方。空气很清新。

       7 无锡的变化带来了许多长处,但同时也给人们带来了很多困惑。

       8 虽然这里的环境不如以前好了,但带给大部分年轻人一个现代化的生活。

       9 因雷电击中它而着火了。刚才我听到有人在敲墙。

       10 我们的伞被风儿刮跑了。

       11 当我看到那些士兵时,他们正在铲雪。

       12 向当地人分发食物和饮用水。

       13 我正设法找到出路,就在那时我突然听到我上面有声音。

       14 我刚要睡着,就在此时有人大声敲门。

       15 当我在旁边经过时,看见了发生。

       16 昨天正午我们不在吃饭。

       17 由于大雾长途车撞上了一棵大树。

       18 闪电引燃了一座房子。

       19 怕的说不出话

       20 我镇定下来自问:我确实活了?


       一,1 address 2 tourists 3 impossible 4angrily 5 warning 6arrival 7 temperature 8 fear 9 foggy 10 nervous 11 really 12 nearly 13 shaking 14 length 15 importance 16 northern 17 recent 18 attraction 19 natural 20 incorrect


       三,1 made 2 reading 3 not speak 4 using 5 not to drive 6 married 7 Were helping was 8 to be 9 to helping 10 to cut 11 have written 12 have been 13 have visited 14 smoking 15 happen 16 hurried 17 don’t mind 18 was built 19 work 20 were made

       四, 1. How long may I keep the book?

        2. Thanks for lending me so much money.

        3. The modern railway station has been in service/use since 2000.

        4. I learned a lot about the environment when I was in primary school.

        5. You can listen to some relaxing music to relax yourself.

        6. It used to be a quiet place with green hills and fresh air.

        7. The changes to Wuxi have brought many advantages, but they have also caused many

        Problems for people, too.

        8. Although the environment here is not as good as before. However, the changes have

        Brought most young people a modern life.

        9. It caught fire as lightning hit it.. I heard someone hitting the wall just now.

        10. We lost our umbrella in the wind.

        11. When I saw those soldiers, they were removing the snow.

        12. Give out food and drinking water to the local people

        13. I was trying to find my way when I suddenly heard some noise above me.

        14. I was just falling asleep when someone knocked at the door loudly.

        15. I saw it happen when I was walking past.

        16. We weren’t having lunch at noon yesterday.

        17. A coach crashed into a big tree because of the thick fog.

        18. Lightning started a big fire in a house.

        19. He was too frightened to say anything. He was so frightened that he couldn’t say a word.

        20. I calmed down and asked myself: Did I really survive?


       1.扎龙是中国东北的一个自然保护区。Zhalong is a nature reserve in north-east China.

       2.它是世界最重要的湿地之一。It’s one of the world’s most important wetlands.

       3.这地区给野生动物提供了栖息地。The area provides shelter for wildlife.

       4.学校提供我们校长一辆车。Our school provided our principal with a car.

       5.他鼓励我参加观鸟俱乐部。He encouraged me to join the birdwatching Club.

       6.我参加这个俱乐部3年啦!I have been in the club for three years.

        It’s three years since I joined the club.

        I joined the club three years ago.

        Three years has passed since I joined the party.

       7.你们可轮流回答这些问题。You can take turns to answer these questions.

       8.我听说这是不同种类植物的理想家园。I hear that it is an ideal home for different kinds of plants.

       9.许多老年人终年生活的很舒服。Many old people live comfortably all year round/ the whole year.

       10.住在阴冷潮湿的房子了会感到不舒服。We will feel uncomfortable in a cold and wet house.

       11. 这是个容易的问题,我很容易就可以解出来。This is an easy question. I can work it out easily.

       12.政府想改变环境为丹顶鹤有更多的空间。Our government want to change the environment to make more space for the rare red-crowned cranes.


        There will be less and less space for wildlife if farmers continue to cut down trees.


       Our government is trying to protect the endangered wildlife.

       15.他已把小孩抱到了安全地。He carried the child to a safe place.= He carried the child to safety.

       16.他们已安全到达上海。They have arrived in Shanghai safely.

       17.他们已安全到达上海三天了。They have been in Shanghai safely for three days.

       18.三分钟前飞机已安全起飞。The plane took off safely three minutes ago.


        A lot of tourists have visited many popular tourist attractions since they came to China.

       20. 他们决定每年给鸟做一次统计。They decided to do a bird count once a year.

       21. 我们应该积极采取措施让人们理解保护湿地的重要性。

        We should actively do something to let people understand the importance of protecting

       the wetlands. (take action)


        If someone shows bad manners to others, he is an impolite person.


       You are an unwelcome person because of your carelessness.


        It’s unnecessary to be friendly to the dishonest boy.

       25.没规律的生活是不健康的。 An irregular life is unhealthy.

       26.对那条非凡的狗狗这么不友善是不对的。It’s incorrect to be unfriendly to the uncommon dog.

       27.他乱扔垃圾是不可能的。It’s impossible for him to leave litter anywhere.

       28.穿新皮鞋不舒服。It’s uncomfortable to wear new leather shoes.


        The gentleman is clapping his baby gently.(terribly; possibly; truly; comfortably; simply)

       30.他2年前回到了中国。He returned to China two years ago. = He has been back to China for 2 years.

       31.他很生气地看着我们。他看上去很生气。He is angrily looking at us. He looks very angry.


        It’s too noisy. They are dancing to music noisily. Go and ask them to try not to make much noise.

       33.鸟儿们在唱歌,既柔又动听。The birds are singing softly and nicely. (令人满意地)

       34.瓶子掉下摔破了。The bottle dropped and broke.

       35.攀登者一失足摔死了。The climber slipped and dropped to his death.

       36. 别弄掉了,否则会破的。Don’t drop that or it will break.

       37.他从失火的建筑物上坠落到安全的地方。 He dropped to safety from the burning building.

       38.把包扔给我。Drop the bag down to me.

       39.他的声音已降低成轻声细语了。His voice dropped to a whisper.

       40.别随意扔垃圾。Don’t drop litter carelessly.

       41.明天气温将会下降到-5°。The temperature tomorrow will drop to five degrees below zero.

       42. 明天气温将会下降0°以下。The temperature tomorrow will drop below zero. (high/low)

       43. 旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆。The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.


        The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.


        The dolphin show starts at 9 a.m and finishes at 3 p.m.

       46.谁也阻止不了我们结婚。Nobody can prevent us/ our getting married.

       47.去年妈妈不让爸爸出国。Last year my mother prevented/stop/keep my father from going abroad.

       48.多种树可以有助于阻止暴风雪。Planting more trees can help prevent snowstorms.

       49.请写上你们的出身日期和地址。Please write down your dates of birth and addresses.

       50.告诉我你们的兴趣爱好是什么。Tell me what your interests and hobbies are.


       I think (that) it is important (for me) to do something to protect birds.

       I think it important (for me) to do something to protect birds.

       52.他的身体实在糟透了。His health is simply terrible.

       53.他简直等不了下周的表演了。He simply can’t wait for the show next week.



       1 être d'accord de faire quelque chose

        être d'accord avec quelqu'un

       2 dont=de+la Tour Eiffel.后面的照片从属于前面的铁塔,我们用dont或者是de laquelle或者是de qui来引导主从之间的关系

       3 avoir beau + 动词原形,意思是:白干什么了,比如:他白重复一遍了,根本没有人愿意听他的

       4 数字的表达方法,在一百一千前面通常要把一去掉,比如一百直接就是cent,一千欧元=mille euros

       5 tel ou tel,telle ou telle,tels ou tels,telles ou telles,这样那样的。这句话的意思是我们都应该认识到谁都会有这样或那样的不足之处。表达“都是”这个概念的时候,tous放在être的后面。比如:nous sommes tous dans la rue.这个tous后面的S是需要发音的。

       6 这句话不用多解释了,表达“哪一个”或者“哪些”这个意思的时候,就是quel,quels,quelle,quelles

       7 être habitué à 固定用法。后面用pour也是可以行得通,但是没有定冠词,所以只有aux了

       8 résister动心了,动摇了。其它几个词语都是打败或者战胜的意思,第二个意思是拒绝

       9 我想知道谁是作曲人,说话习惯问题

       10 descendre sur la terre降落到地面上,但是注意,我们在说什么东西在地面上的时候要说par terre


       链接: /s/1aUPUe-AuEPg3Np6bSwptYw

?pwd=d9pn 提取码: d9pn?

       《奇妙的食光》是由爱奇艺、鱼子酱文化出品的互动实境经营秀,由黄明昊(Justin)、朱正廷、小鬼(王琳凯)、毕雯珺、董又霖、董岩磊担任常驻嘉宾。 节目由六位餐厅合伙人组团前往澳洲,经营一家音乐餐厅,共同体验“越经营,越成长”。 节目于2018年9月22日起每周六中午12:00在爱奇艺上线 ,于2018年12月8日收官。




       好了,今天关于“cba au”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“cba au”有更深入的认识,并从我的回答中得到一些启示。如果您有任何问题或需要进一步的信息,请随时告诉我。