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简介奥运标志英语怎么说_奥运标志英语怎么说呢       好的,现在我来为大家谈一谈奥运标志英语怎么说的问题,希望我的回答能够解答大家的疑惑。关于奥运标志英语怎么说的话题,我们开始说说吧。1.20





3.北京奥运会会徽含义 用英文表达



       The intention buckles the heart shape, symbolizes the volunteer and the athlete, the Olympics big family and all guest heart Lian Zhuoxin, serves, the offer compassion attentively, for the Olympics movement addition brilliance. waves cheerfully the human form, has unfolded the volunteer, offers for the happy wish spirit. Volunteer's sincere smiling face, the splendid service, the friendly behavior will arouse each Olympic Games participant's mind sympathetic chord. the Beijing in 2008 the Olympic Games volunteer symbolized the design, has utilized China unique traditional culture form - - China calligraphy and painting artistic style, with Beijing Olympic Games conference symbol “Chinese India? Waves Beijing” complements mutually.



       二、Olympics的音标: 英 [?'l?mp?ks] 美 [o?'l?mp?ks]


       1、n.奥林匹克运动会(=Olympic games);



       2、奥林匹克运动会的( Olympic的名词复数 )





       1、The Olympic flame?奥运圣火

       2、Olympic bronze?奥林匹克青铜

       3、Olympic legacy?奥运遗产

       4、Olympic ideals?奥林匹克精神 (亦作 Olympic spirit)

       5、Olympic flame?奥运火炬

       6、the Olympic ideals?奥林匹克精神

       7、olympic brow?医 [先天梅毒性]凸额

       8、Olympic torch?奥林匹克火炬

       9、Olympic bid?申奥

       10、olympic god?phr. 希腊神话


       1、Olympic?adj. 奥林匹斯山的,奥林匹亚的;奥林匹克的

       2、olympic?a. 奥林匹亚的,奥林匹斯山的;


       4、olympic class?adj. 奥林皮克级的

       5、Olympic standard?adj. 奥运会标准的,奥林匹克标准的









北京奥运会会徽含义 用英文表达

       考 网英语资源频道为大家整理的体育英语词汇:奥运正式标志的英文说明,供大家阅读参考。



        The candidature logo features a stylized traditional Chinese handicraft pattern known as the

        "knot of one heart" or "Chinese folk knot', using the typical colors of the five Olympic rings.

        The design depicts a dynamic human figure in a stance that portrays someone doing "Taiji" or shadow boxing.

        The simple gesture lines symbolize the graceful, harmonious and dynamic movements that connote the unity of,

        cooperation among, exchange between and development for the peoples all over the world.








        The emblem of the XXIX Olympiad, which is also the official emblem for BOCOG and a core element of

        Beijing's Olympic image and look, is expected to become one of the most powerful graphic identities in the history of the

        Olympic Games.The emblem of the 2008 Olympics, rich in culture and dubbed "Dancing Beijing", fully reflects the theme of

        the Olympic Games to be held in 2008 in Beijing.The logo combines Chinese traditional art with modern Olympic spirit by

        means of the unique techniques of Chinese seal cutting and calligraphy, which have a history of 5000 years.

        The simple gesture lines depict a stylized dynamic human figure in a stance that suggests a racing athlete crossing

        the finish line to embrace victory --- portraying the Olympic spirit of Citius, Altius, Fortius

        (for Swifter, Higher, Stronger).The figure strokes resemble the Chinese character "Jing" drawn in graceful Chinese

        calligraphy of a unique style, which stands for the name of the host city--the capital city of China.The gesture lines

        can also be interpreted as a "dancing figure", conveying the aspiration of the 1.3 billion Chinese people for the

        great games and their enthusiasm for welcoming visitors from all over the world.

       在国际奥委会官网上找的 看看吧

       The official emblem of Beijing 2008 entitled "Chinese Seal-Dancing Beijing" cleverly combines the Chinese seal and the art of calligraphy with sporting features, transforming the elements into a human figure running forward and embracing triumph. The figure resembles the Chinese character "Jing", which stands for the name of the host city and represents a particularly significant Chinese style. The artwork embodies four messages:

       - Chinese culture,

       - the color of red China

       - Beijing welcomes friends from all over the world

       - to challenge the extreme and achieve the perfect and promote the Olympic motto of "Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger).
