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zmhk 2024-06-27 人已围观

简介nba最前线第一期_nba最前线第一期球员名单       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“nba最前线第一期”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太熟悉,那么这篇






       2015年1月8日nba最前线罗斯那个mv背景音乐是centuries,演唱者 fall out boy。


       歌手: fall out boy






       Some legends are told

       Some turn to dust or to gold

       But you will remember me

       Remember me for centuries

       And just one mistake,

       Is all it will take,

       We*ll go down in history

       Remember me for centuries

       Remember me for centuries

       Mama, fight my teenage dreams

       No it*s nothing wrong with me

       The kids are all wrong the story*s aloof

       Heavy metal broke my heart

       Come on, come on and let me in

       I*m cruising on your thighs, leave my fingerprints

       And this is for tonight

       I thought that you would feel

       I never meant for you to fix yourself

       Some legends are told

       Some turn to dust or to gold

       But you will remember me

       Remember me for centuries

       And just one mistake

       Is all it will take,

       We*ll go down in history

       Remember me for centuries

       Remember me for centuries

       And I can*t stop until the whole word knows my name

       *Cause I was only born inside my dreams

       Until you die for me, as long as there is a light, my shadow is over you

       Cause I am the opposite of amnesia

       And you*re a cherry blossom

       You*re about to bloom

       You look so pretty, but you*re gone so soon

       Some legends are told

       Some turn to dust or to gold

       But you will remember me

       Remember me for centuries

       And just one mistake

       Is all it will take,

       We*ll go down in history

       Remember me for centuries

       Remember me for centuries

       We*ve been here forever

       And here*s the frozen fruit

       I could speak forever

       We are the poisoned youth

       We are the poisoned youth

       Some legends are told

       Some turn to dust or to gold

       But you will remember me

       Remember me for centuries

       And just one mistake

       Is all it will take,

       We*ll go down in history

       Remember me for centuries

       Remember me for centuries

       《NBA最前线》 20150910 詹姆斯专访

       本期节目主要内容: 詹姆斯作客本期节目,于嘉、杨毅和苏群对他进行了专访。詹姆斯在节目中畅谈自己职业生涯至今的十大暴扣、十大助攻和十大盖帽。谈到现在的成就,詹姆斯谦虚的用幸运一词评价自己。展望新赛季,詹姆斯表示只要阵容齐整,骑士是有很大机会夺冠的。 (《NBA最前线》 20150910 詹姆斯专访)
